Pack 1 – 7 Chakra Audio Tracks

Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $33.00.

7 One-Two Hour Chakra Audio Tracks

Track 1: Root Chakra, Frequency: 396 Hz

  • Guilt, doubt and fear release

Track 2: Sacral Chakra, Frequency: 417 Hz

  • Reduce negative energy
  • Heal trauma
  • Embrace change

Track 3: Solar Plexus Chakra, Frequency: 528 Hz

  • Inspires creativity
  • Increase positivity
  • Heal body and mind

Track 4: Heart Chakra, Frequency: 639 Hz

  • Restore balance in broken relationships
  • Understand and express emotions better

Track 5: Throat Chakra, Frequency: 741 Hz

  • Improve authenticity in expression
  • Dispel toxins and negativity

Track 6: Third Eye Chakra, Frequency 852 Hz

  • Awaken your intuition
  • Restore your view of reality
  • Enhance a positive connection to your higher self

Track 7: Crown Chakra, Frequency 963 Hz

  • Manifest positive outcomes
  • Enhance connection to source

Plus a Bonus 30 Minute Meditation Track

A deeper state of alpha is found in meditation. This is where the mind begins to quieten itself. Although there are many different levels of meditation, with some of the most experienced meditators going down into theta and even delta, this audio takes you into a low alpha. This is enough to have an insightful meditative experience.
